Jesus was not the first Super-hero….

Sorry… Jesus was not the first  “Superman”  or   “Captain America”  or one of the  “Avengers”…  He was a man… just like you and me…  not a God-Man…

“……Christ Jesus,[a] who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped,[b] but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant,[c] being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.”

The only difference was he was born the second Adam… he was not  born in sin  as we were…. but he was  totally human…  his relationship with Father was the same as the first Adam…  he was tempted  in every way… as we all are…  but he did not fall for Satan’s lie that God was nervous about him eating from the tree of knowledge where he could then  “be as God choosing good and evil”.…  Jesus was not  “grasping for equality with Father”...  he was “emptied of his Godhood”… he became a normal human being… just like us.

He talked to his father the same way you and I do… His Father talked to him the same way you and I do… He did everything he could in the garden hoping he would not have to go thru what he knew was coming….  yet bent his will to the Father….  “never the less… thy will be done”.

I have had a multitude of   “Gethsemane Experiences”…  asking Father to let this cup pass from me… the death of my manufacturing business…. the death of my perfect church system… the death of my restaurant… our daughter being born with a hole in her heart… our son getting leukemia at age 15… my pity party at the fence in 1999….  and others as the Lord has continued to reveal Himself to me over that next 10 years… and the past 10 years since then… until He comes to get me… the same way Father came to get His son… then I will see a whole lot more… the same way Jesus did.

I really expected to get bailed out… each time… I expected not to have a death experience… I believe Jesus did as well… right up to the end… just the way I did in every one of my own personal experiences… then Jesus cried out to his Father… when he knew it was over… knew he was going to die….    “About the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have You  forsaken  Me?”

Think on this…    more is coming….

About philipthewolff

just ask me...
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